Jessica Buhlmann

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Altarverhüllung Langenstriegis
(Purple Path, Chemnitz Kulturhauptstadt 2025) 2024, 480 x 300 cm, Textile, Foam, Aluminum

Altarverhüllung Langenstriegis (detail)

In All Clusters, Passages and Antennas we Dream Together
2023, 300 x 250 x 140 cm, wire, textiles
(Installation view: Bottom Up, Kühlhaus Berlin)

2021, 320 x 140 x 160 cm, steel, dyed strings, felt

I Have Heard That the Country is Covered in Green
2024, textile, foam, aluminum

I Have Heard That the Country is Covered in Green

Not even the Deluge Lasted forever
2021, wood, steel, rope

When Can I Fly?
2021, found steel, rope, ceramics

2021, 27 x 41 x 15 cm, found rebar, dyed string

2022, 213 x 104 x 189 cm, wire, textiles, found objects

Nommos (Detail)

2023, 290 x 235 x 200 cm, wire, textiles, felt

Hydra (detail)

Siamese Wind
2021, 110 x 80 x 12 cm, lacquer and acrylic on glass, dibond, felt

2021, 115 x 80 x 12 cm, lacquer and acrylic on glass, dibond, felt   

2021, 110 x 80 x 15 cm, lacquer and acrylic on glass, dibond, felt 

2021, 49 x 24 x 7 cm, found metall, dyed string 

A Rainbow in Curved Air
2021, found steel, rope, ceramics

 A Rainbow in Curved Air (Detail)

A Rainbow in Curved Air (Detail)

Orchid Mantra
2020, 185 X 190 X 170 cm, metal, wood, paper mache, plaster, found objects

Orchid Mantra (Detail)

2022, 233 x 172 x 32 cm, wire, textiles, found objects

Ra-X (Detail)

2018, 168 x 98 x 30 cm, linoleum, acrylic on wood, steel, found artefacts

2020, wood, string, plexi-glass, mirrors

Call & Response
2019, 163 x 76 cm, painted wood, incense, found objects

Free, I Walk On The Mountain And Enjoy The View
2019, 70 x 60 cm, wood, found objects, straw

2020, 76 x 50 x 43 cm, painted wood, metal, paper

Endosymbiosis (“Life Forms”)
2018, 75 x 95 x 2 cm, painted wood

2019, 180 x 350 x 160 cm, glass, wood, string

Exhibition view, Waves Hints Offset, Galerie 1214, Berlin, 2018

Exhibition view, Waves Hints Offset, Galerie 1214, Berlin, 2018

Stem fields 
2018, 125 x 324 x 4 cm, wood, cardboard, paint, steel

Funtunfunefu Denkyemfunefu
2018, 39 x 50 x 2 cm, acrylic on wood

Awanto (“Life Forms”)
2018, 56 x 47 x 2 cm, painted wood

Refraction (“Life Forms”)
2019, 33 x 58 x 3 cm, painted wood

The Day of Forever
2018, 265 x 235 x 160 cm, wood, acrylic, steel, string

Octet (“Life Forms”)
2018, 50 x 48 x 3 cm, painted wood

Les Mouvements Rotatoires
2018, 62 x 45 x 2 cm, wood, acrylic